I just had to get this off my brain so Ima fill ya'll in on the blind date I had last night well...

It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be but still it wasn't something that would warrant a repeat performance.
He came over at like 8:00 p.m. thinking we are going out to dinner. No sir, that's not happening. We went to Starbucks instead. But because he was an ol' friend of my sister, who is 14 years my senior, they spent like 45 mintues catching up. Fine with me, he has 'til 10 o' clock no matter what time we leave this house. Which why I chose Starbucks because they close @ 10 on Sundays. Anyway... He is trying to make conversation and failing, I mean we are from 2 different eras in life, 2 totally different generations, there is really nothing in common between us except for the fact that we are human!!! Anywho, we spend the 7 mintue ride to Starbucks talking about well... him. It took all of 5 mintues to get through that conversation... Okay so now I'm bored, tired, and cramping!
We get to Starbucks and guess what he doesn't drink coffee... so what! This was going to happen my way on my terms! The first question he asks me is do I go to church... GREAT, I love this question. It always leads to a discussion on the problem with mega churches. Which it did, after I answered with a simple yes (still bored with him), I returned the question to him, he said that he used to attend church on a regular but then he heard a mega church Pastor/Bishop say something that he didn't agree with and he decided that if the church could stand behind such a statement he didn't want to be a part of it. What was the statement Tif? Okay, I'll tell you... He claims to have heard a great Bishop from Atlanta say that he couldn't stand support a group of people, politicially, because they were homosexual. (The Bishop refused to be an advocate for gay rights.) I don't think he realized that I love to debate this certain subject and I have been well equip to handle this one. (Thanks, Pastor Oliver!) His belief is that the church should stand behind and support EVERYBODY no matter what!! My reply, "You maybe right but then publicly what would that say about the church position on homosexually." He couldn't respond fast enough and anybody that knows me can guess what happened next. I jumped back in there, "there is no way that as a spiritual leader ,of a mega church no less, that he could've taken any other position. No matter what you have been taught Church and State aren't separate." His belief was that because of the position this Bishop had taken that the church had turned their back on a group of people that needed them. I had to constantly reminded him that this great Bishop wasn't turning his back on anyone, but on something, their practicing lifestyle. This lifestyle no matter how you rewrite the Bible isn't condoned. We went on with is for about 20 mintues or so until...
He started to insult the black mega churches saying that ALL THEY PREACH ABOUT IS MONEY, MONEY, MONEY. I started to think that someone gave him a book of things not to say to Tiffany in regards to HER GREAT PLACE OF WORSHIP. I really was ready to leave now, so I made this one short with a very dry resonse, "All churches aren't the same and all pastors don't preach the message, all churches don't stand on the same foundation, which means that you can't generalize churches, the same way I can't put all black men the same category based on what my loser ex-boyfriend did! Now, it's time to you to take me home." (It's was about 10 o' clock.)
(Of course other things were discussed throughout the 90 mintues that we spent on the patio @ Starbucks but this discussion on religion and spirituality took up the majority of the time. Why? Because I just can't stand being with another spiritually ignorant guy! The last one was enough for a lifetime!)
He was talking about my spiritual grand-daddy! I'm love to debate on just about any subject... But how can you challenge the church's position on homosexuality and then state that mega churches are all about the money. He tried to talk politics with me but I hate politics and showed extreme boredom in the topic.
Number 1. The Bible clearly states any position that the church should have on homosexuality. The Bible is non-negotiable, there aren't any conditions that change what is written there. Example given by him in the discussion, a gay man wants the church to back him on gay rights. Now if you are seriously confused on this one, READ THE DIRECTIONS -- GET YOUR HOLY BIBLE IN YOUR HANDS AND READ IT! And if I am affending anyone here -- so what, get over it!
Letter B. Just because there are a few preachers that get their kicks out of prosperity preaching doesn't mean that all mega churches roll that way. Some of the Pastor/Teachers (like mine!) preach Bible-based truths that are given to them through the Holy Spirit! They provide much needed and necessary guidelines for making it through life, and they have the Bible to back it up! So that nothing is of their own cognitive thinking, it is the Holy Spirit who working within them.
Number 3. Why on earth do you think that we would maintain contact and we spent the majority of the night disagreeing on everything??? Please lose my number and forget you ever met me - Thank You, Good night!
Letter C. People need to listen to me when I talk! I told my sister from jump I don't want to meet this man. But she just couldn't leave it alone, now he's gonna get his feelings hurt. Because someone didn't understand that NO MEANS NO!
I don't have time for games, he seemed like he wanted to play some games. I just wasn't feeling him, case closed. Just in case anyone gets any ideas -- I HATE BLIND DATES!


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